Does Relationship Anxiety Go Away?

Relationship anxiety can feel overwhelming, affecting both your emotional well-being and your connection with your partner. For many high-achieving individuals, the pressures to live up to your and others’ expectations for their professional and personal lives can heighten these feelings, making a breakup or lack of the partnership feel high stakes or a sign of failure. The constant worry about your relationship can lead to a perpetual sense of unease, and kick up recurring doubts about your self-worth. This can make you wonder, “What does relationship anxiety feel like?”. The good news is that relationship anxiety doesn’t need to be permanent. It is possible to reduce or eliminate your relationship anxiety, and to build happy, secure relationships and a more confident sense of self.  

This blog will delve into the nature of relationship anxiety, explore how it can be addressed, and highlight the various therapies, such as anxiety therapy, available to help individuals navigate this complex emotional terrain. 

Image of a sad woman's reflection looking out a window as it rains. If you struggle with relationship anxiety, learn to cope with your symptoms and begin healing your relationship with anxiety therapy in Washington, DC.

Can Relationship Anxiety Be Cured?

With relationship anxiety, you may secretly believe that there is something wrong or less than or unlovable about you. That feels true no matter what loving things your family, friends or partners say, and it can be terrifying to believe that the person will reject you once they finally, inevitably see the truth. The deep-seated fears of relationship anxiety can be difficult to shift, but we firmly believe that relationship anxiety can be cured.  There are many evidence-based approaches to help, and at Dr. Dawn Johnson and Associates, our skilled anxiety therapists pull from a variety of proven techniques to support you in your path toward healthier, more secure relationships. 

Research has also found that the therapy relationship itself accounts for 50% of therapy gains, regardless of the therapeutic approach. Particularly in relationship anxiety, the therapeutic relationship itself is part of the cure, and our clinicians work with you to build a secure, open therapy relationship. We also use the experience of therapy as a laboratory, exploring, challenging, and working through fears, miscommunications, or differences that arise in real time, strengthening your ability to carry these skills into the real world.  

Is It Relationship Anxiety or Gut Feeling?

Distinguishing between relationship anxiety and a gut feeling can be tricky. Relationship anxiety typically involves excessive worry and fear about the relationship, often based on past experiences or insecurities rather than the present reality. With relationship anxiety, you may notice having similar concerns across different relationships, or a familiar pattern of worry across areas of your life. In contrast, a gut feeling is an instinctive response that might indicate genuine concerns about the relationship. Perhaps something feels different about this relationship, and you find yourself feeling more anxious, or less secure than you have in the past. In some cases, your friends or family may notice that something is different about you. You may have trouble putting it out of your mind, but don’t notice an overall increase in anxiety in other areas. Working with a therapist can help you gain clarity and distinguish between relationship anxiety and gut feelings, helping to improve your self-awareness and confidence in life and relationships.

What to Do if Your Partner Has Relationship Anxiety?

If your partner struggles with relationship anxiety, it can be challenging for both of you. You may feel frustrated by their need for reassurance, and perhaps even insulted that they would believe you could lie, cheat, or hide things from them. Maybe you feel worn out by their demands or a pattern of picking fights, and wonder if the relationship is salvageable. The first step is recognizing that their relationship anxiety is not about you; the fears and insecurities that trigger relationship anxiety are deep-seated and not always rational. While you can be a supportive, empathic partner, it may not be possible for you to “fix” it. What is within your power is approaching the situation with empathy and understanding. You can encourage open and honest communication, fostering a space for both you and your partner to express their fears and concerns without judgment.

While your partner may seek reassurance of your love, reassurance seeking can also reinforce the anxiety cycle; a person feels anxious, seeks reassurance, feels temporarily better, and then the pattern starts again. This can be difficult to navigate alone. Both individual and couples therapy can be a valuable resource in these situations, providing a safe space for both partners to share their feelings, improve communication, and set healthy boundaries. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we offer specialized therapy to help couples navigate the complexities of relationship anxiety, fostering a stronger and more resilient partnership.

What Is the Best Therapy for Relationship Anxiety?

Relationship anxiety can be difficult to overcome so you may wonder, “Why is my relationship anxiety so bad?” and how can I overcome it? While there are many evidence-based therapies, the best therapy for relationship anxiety depends on your specific concerns, and often involves a combination of therapeutic approaches. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is highly effective in addressing anxiety symptoms by challenging and changing unhelpful thought patterns. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) can also be beneficial, teaching skills for managing intense emotions and improving interpersonal effectiveness. Additionally, insight-oriented, or psychodynamic, therapy helps individuals understand how their attachment style and past experiences influence their current responses, facilitating deeper and more lasting change. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, our anxiety therapists are skilled in these methodologies and work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized treatment approaches that address both the immediate and underlying causes of relationship anxiety.

Image of a couple holding hands on a table. Uncover the reason for your relationship anxiety with the help of anxiety therapy in Washington, DC. Find support in healing.

Overcoming Relationship Anxiety

Before overcoming your relationship anxiety you may think, “How do I cope with relationship anxiety?”. Therapy can provide invaluable insights into the underlying causes of your anxiety, helping you understand how past experiences and formative relationships influence your current emotional responses. Through anxiety therapy, you'll learn practical strategies for managing anxiety at the moment, as well as techniques for fostering better communication and emotional connection with your partner. Your therapist also becomes a trusted confidant and guide, as well as a safe person with whom to practice and process relationship skills like vulnerability and self-advocacy. With the right tools and guidance, you can move towards a future where anxiety no longer dictates the terms of your relationships, allowing you to experience deeper intimacy and trust. Remember, you don't have to face this challenge alone—professional support is available to help you every step of the way.

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, our skilled, compassionate therapists work every day with clients experiencing relationship anxiety. We believe that it is possible to build healthier relationships, with our partners and ourselves, and we look forward to partnering with you on this path.  

Heal From Your Relationship Anxiety With Anxiety Therapy in Washington, D.C.

Discover if relationship anxiety can go away with the help of professional anxiety therapy. Our experienced anxiety therapists at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates are here to guide you through effective techniques to manage and reduce your anxiety. Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling relationship by scheduling your therapy session. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation to see if Anxiety Therapy is right for you.

  2. Begin meeting with one of our skilled anxiety therapists.

  3. Start overcoming your relationship anxiety.

Other Services Offered at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates in Washington D.C. & Virginia

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we want to help you thrive. In addition to helping you overcome your relationship anxiety with anxiety therapy, we also offer services for those struggling with depression, relationships, infertility, academic or work concerns, disordered eating, and more.


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