What is The Treatment For High-Functioning Anxiety?

Navigating high-functioning anxiety can be challenging, especially when you find that the strategies that have worked for you in the past just don’t seem to be effective anymore. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we understand the unique struggles faced by students and professionals grappling with anxiety, and that many of these clients do not see themselves as “high functioning”. High-functioning anxiety is often seen in individuals who appear outwardly successful at work or in academics, but struggle internally with persistent worry and tension. In our practice, we provide a safe and supportive environment to explore these anxiety symptoms with clarity and confidence.

We recognize that seeking treatment for high-functioning anxiety is a proactive step towards reclaiming one's mental well-being and achieving a greater sense of balance and fulfillment in life. We provide support in helping you understand what is the root cause of high-functioning anxiety. Through evidence-based anxiety therapy approaches tailored to individual needs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), we empower our clients with practical tools to manage their symptoms effectively and cultivate lasting emotional resilience. With warmth and empathy, our team of experienced anxiety therapists is dedicated to working collaboratively with clients to provide the support they need to both achieve and thrive. 

Image of a stressed professional man laying his head on a desk. If you struggle with high functioning anxiety, discover how anxiety therapy in Washington, D.C. can help you cope with your symptoms.

What is the Difference Between GAD and High-Functioning Anxiety?

While both Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and high-functioning anxiety involve excessive worry and fear, there are some key distinctions:

  • GAD: 

    • Individuals with GAD may experience intense worry most days for at least six months, affecting work, relationships, and overall well-being.  

    • Worry is often generalized and can encompass various aspects of life, like finances, health, and relationships.

    • It may feel difficult to turn off the worry.  Individuals with GAD may struggle to cope with the anxiety, leading to avoidance behaviors or difficulty completing tasks.

    • Anxiety can lead to significant emotional distress, including sadness, irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

  • High-Functioning Anxiety: 

    • High-functioning anxiety often presents as a persistent worry, though often focuses on performance, including work or school, deadlines, and performing tasks in a way that will be respected by others. 

    • Individuals may experience HFA for years, particularly in competitive academic and work environments where they are surrounded by other high achievers, and not realize that their experience qualifies as anxiety until it becomes severe

    • Severity can vary from a background hum that can feel motivating, to an overwhelming level of anxiety that feels difficult to control and may get in the way of functioning.

    • Individuals with high-functioning anxiety often develop effective coping mechanisms like planning, organization, or seeking reassurance to manage their anxiety and maintain productivity, though this may exacerbate anxiety when the volume of responsibilities keeps individuals from performing at the standard they expect.

    • High-functioning anxiety can lead to significant challenges, including feelings of anxiety or sadness, low self-esteem, lack of concentration, and difficulty motivating oneself

While both conditions involve persistent anxiety, high-functioning anxiety may not meet all the diagnostic criteria for GAD. Consulting with a mental health professional can help clarify the differences and determine the most appropriate treatment approach for your specific needs.

Is High-Functioning Anxiety Worse Than Normal Anxiety?

While the severity of anxiety symptoms can vary in both high-functioning anxiety and “normal” anxiety, one challenge specific to high-functioning anxiety is the way it is valued and reinforced by societal norms and expectations. You may wonder, “What are high-functioning anxiety symptoms?” Many of the characteristics of high-functioning anxiety - academic or professional success, a focus on meeting or exceeding expectations, and pleasing or winning the approval of others, are held up as signs of success, and often explicitly reinforced by academic and professional environments. This can make it feel particularly risky to change. No matter your experience of anxiety, please recognize that your feelings are valid, and you do not need to live with this level of discomfort. Seeking support from a skilled anxiety therapist can help you find ways to move forward in your life without anxiety, and improve your well-being.

Is High-Functioning Anxiety a Disability?

High-functioning anxiety is not specifically categorized in the DSM (the diagnostic manual recognized by mental health professionals), and does not qualify as a disability condition including major depressive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, If you feel that your high-functioning anxiety is significantly impacting your ability to perform at work or school, and wondering if you may qualify for disability accommodations or medical leave, it is possible that you may also meet the criteria for a mental health condition that does qualify for disability qualifications. Individuals with high-functioning anxiety often also meet the criteria for DSM-recognized diagnoses including Generalized Anxiety Disorder or ADHD that may present with similar symptoms and patterns. A skilled therapist can help you better understand your symptoms, determine any appropriate diagnoses, and work with you to pursue both the informal and formal accommodations that help you to thrive at school, work, and home.

How Long Does High-Functioning Anxiety Last?

Many individuals with high-functioning anxiety can’t remember a time before the anxiety; it has often been with them since childhood, and typically early in their academic, athletic, or artistic career. Some individuals maintain a low level of high-functioning anxiety for decades, feeling that it is an important component of their drive, focus, motivation, and achievement. Others experience a manageable level of high-functioning anxiety but may find that it rises to uncomfortable levels during periods of stress, like final exams, or as life becomes more complicated after a promotion or parenthood. So, “How do high-achievers deal with stress?”. If you find that your high-functioning anxiety is getting in the way of your happiness, or even that it is not working as well for you as it did in the past, therapy can help. Through a process of exploration, reflection, and experimentation with new strategies, you can better understand the way that HFA is incorporated into your life, and decide which aspects to keep and which to change for your current needs.  

Image of an Asian American woman sitting on a couch speaking with a therapist. This image represents how anxiety therapy in Washington, D.C. can help you find confidence after struggling with high functioning anxiety.

Seeking Support for High-Functioning Anxiety

Living with high-functioning anxiety can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we offer compassionate, collaborative support to help you move forward with confidence and resilience. Our team of experienced anxiety therapists specializes in evidence-based treatment for anxiety therapy, drawing from a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic psychotherapy, and strengths-based approaches to address your unique needs. Through anxiety therapy, you'll learn practical strategies to understand your assumptions and values, recognize and challenge your symptoms, and learn to interpret and react differently to your stressors, building resilience, and empowering you to thrive in challenging situations.  

Don't let high-functioning anxiety hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Whether you're struggling with persistent stress, perfectionism, self-esteem struggles, ADHD, or intrusive thoughts, our therapy services can help you regain control of your life and experience greater peace and well-being. Take the first step towards reaching out to us today.

Find Support With Anxiety Therapy in Washington, D.C.

Uncover effective treatments for high-functioning anxiety and take control of your life with anxiety therapy. Our specialized anxiety therapists at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates are here to guide you through proven techniques to manage your symptoms and enhance your well-being. Begin your path to relief and a more balanced life by scheduling your first therapy session. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation to see if Anxiety Therapy is right for you.

  2. Begin meeting with one of our skilled anxiety therapists.

  3. Start receiving support to cope with your high-functioning anxiety.

Other Services Offered at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates in Washington D.C. & Virginia

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we want to help you thrive. In addition to helping you manage your high-functioning anxiety symptoms with anxiety therapy, we also offer services for those struggling with depression, relationships, infertility, academic or work concerns, disordered eating, and more.


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