at Dr. Dawn Johnson and Associates

 Individual Therapy 

Life's challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming, leaving you yearning for clarity, growth, and a renewed sense of well-being. At Farragut Psychotherapy, we offer personalized individual therapy to empower you to navigate life's complexities and cultivate a more fulfilling existence.

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy, also known as psychotherapy or counseling, is a collaborative process where you work one-on-one with a licensed therapist in a safe and confidential space. Through open communication and exploration, therapy helps you gain deeper self-awareness, develop effective coping mechanisms, and cultivate the skills necessary to live a more fulfilling life.

The Process of Individual Therapy:

Our approach is tailored to your unique needs and goals. The journey typically begins with an initial consultation, where you'll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and get a sense of whether the therapist is a good fit. If you decide to move forward, subsequent sessions will involve collaborative exploration of your presenting concerns and development of a personalized treatment plan.

Theoretical Orientations: Guiding Your Growth

At Farragut Psychotherapy, we believe in tailoring treatment to your individual needs. Our therapists utilize a variety of evidence-based therapeutic approaches, drawing from various models to craft a treatment plan that best suits your goals, symptoms, and preferred style. Some of the most common approaches we use include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to emotional distress and unhealthy behaviors.

  • Psychodynamic Therapy: This traditional "talk therapy" approach explores how past influences, such as your family of origin, traumas, or other formative experiences, might shape your current behaviors and emotions. We then use that insight to help you understand your reactions and move towards change.

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): Develops mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness skills to manage the emotional rollercoaster of infertility and navigate difficult decisions.

  • Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Cultivate present-moment awareness and emotional regulation skills to manage stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT emphasizes acceptance of difficult emotions and thoughts while fostering mindfulness and commitment to one's values.

  • Person-Centered Therapy (PCT): Emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and your unique perspective, providing a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings and experiences without judgment.

Our skilled therapists are well-versed in these and other evidence-based models, and work to adapt our approach as your symptoms and needs change, moving from symptom relief to sustainable change.

Finding the Right Fit: Your Therapist is Your Partner

Studies show that the therapeutic relationship, or the fit between client and therapist, accounts for 50% of therapeutic outcomes regardless of treatment approach.  While we recognize that it may feel awkward or difficult to open up to a new person, and that part of our role is to sometimes nudge you into discomfort as part of a larger goal, we aim to create a safe and supportive therapy space where you feel heard, valued and supported.  We ask all clients to do a free 15 minute consultation with their prospective therapist to get a sense of the possibility for trust and connection. We are happy to connect you with multiple therapists in the group if that helps you feel more confident in determining a match.

Weekly Sessions: Building Momentum for Change

Individual therapy typically involves weekly 45-minute sessions. Consistent attendance allows you to build momentum, deepen self-exploration, and practice new skills in a safe and supportive environment. Some clients spend a few months with us, learning skills, putting them into practice, then wrapping up therapy as they see meaningful change.  Others tend to stay for an extended period, either working through more difficult challenges, or valuing the unique insight of a therapist who comes to know you well, and and regular mental health maintenance of psychotherapy. The duration of therapy varies depending on your individual goals, and is something we will address together throughout the process.  

What Can You Bring to Therapy?

Please bring us your stress, your shame, your worries, your insecurity and your anger, along with your hopes, joys and wins.  There is no secret too heavy or topic too taboo; our therapists are here to support you, and to help lighten your load. Some of the common presenting concerns include:

  • Anxiety and Depression: Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or on edge? Therapy can equip you with strategies to manage these emotions and cultivate inner peace.

  • Life Transitions: Adjusting to major life changes like divorce, career shifts, or becoming a parent can be stressful. Therapy can provide a supportive space to navigate these transitions.

  • Relationship Issues: Struggling with communication, conflict, boundaries or intimacy in your relationships, or to form friend or romantic relationships at all?  Therapy can help you develop the skills for communication, connection and and healthier relationship dynamics.

  • Trauma and Loss: Coping with past trauma or the loss of a loved one can be difficult. Therapy can offer support and guidance through the healing process.

  • Work-Life Balance: Feeling overwhelmed by daily demands? Therapy can help you develop strategies for managing stress and achieving a more sustainable work-life balance, while clarifying your goals, values and priorities in life.

  • Self-Esteem & Confidence: Struggling with negative self-talk, low self-esteem, or an unhealthy relationship with food? Therapy can help you develop self-compassion, build confidence, and create a healthier relationship with yourself and your body.

The Benefits of Individual Therapy:

Through individual therapy, you can expect to experience:

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Develop healthier coping mechanisms to manage difficult emotions.

  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Learn to communicate your needs effectively and listen actively to others.

  • Strengthened Relationships: Build healthier and more fulfilling relationships with loved ones.

  • Greater Resilience: Develop the skills to navigate life's challenges more effectively.

  • Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem: Learn to accept yourself and cultivate a more positive self-image.

Individual therapy is an investment in your well-being. At Dr. Dawn Johnson and Associates, we love our work as therapists, and are committed to partnering with you on your path to mental health, growth and self-discovery. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation, and let's work together to create a happier, more fulfilling life for you.

Find Support Through Individual Therapy in Washington, D.C.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and ready for a renewed sense of well-being, contact us at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates where we offer individualized therapy that can help you thrive both personally and professionally. Take the first step towards a balanced and fulfilling life by following these three simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation to find the right therapist for you.

  2. Begin meeting with one of our skilled therapists.

  3. Start managing and working your way towards the life you’ve imagined!

Other Services Offered at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates in Washington D.C. & Virginia

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we want to help you thrive. In addition to our individual therapy service, we offer services for those struggling with relationships, infertility, navigating parenthood, and more.