What Does Relationship Anxiety Feel Like?

Relationship anxiety can be overwhelming, impacting your emotional well-being and your connection with your partner. It manifests as persistent worries and doubts about the stability and future of your relationship, often leading to feelings of insecurity, fear, and self-doubt. These emotions can make you question your partner's love for you, leading to unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we understand the complexities of relationship anxiety and are here to provide clarity, confidence, and warmth as you navigate these difficult emotions.

Our approach in anxiety therapy focuses on addressing the root causes of your anxiety, helping you build a stronger, healthier relationship. By helping you to understand your attachment style and the impact of the early attachments that help influence your current relationships, offering compassionate support, and practical strategies, we aim to empower you to overcome your fears and develop a deeper, more secure connection with romantic partners and in your friendships. Whether you're dealing with trust issues, communication challenges, attachment traumas, or personal insecurities, our team is dedicated to helping you find peace and stability in your relationships.

Image of a woman sitting at a table sliding a wedding ring off her finger. If you struggle with relationship anxiety, learn how anxiety therapy in Washington, D.C. can help you cope.

What Triggers Relationship Anxiety?

Relationship anxiety can be triggered by various factors, often rooted in our early experiences with important attachment figures, including our parents and other loved ones. One common trigger is past attachment trauma, including experiences of loss, rejection, or betrayal. It can be natural and protective to carry those wounds into new relationships, but in individuals who experience significant relationship anxiety, the fears get in the way of our desire for close, secure relationships. The relationship anxiety can lead to constant worry about your partner's interest, love, or commitment, and make it difficult to trust data that says your partnership is secure.  

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is another significant trigger for relationship anxiety. When you don't feel confident in yourself, you might constantly question why your partner is with you, or fear that they will find someone "better." This lack of self-worth can make you overly sensitive to perceived slights or changes in your partner's behavior, exacerbating your anxiety.

Fear of Losing Your Partner

Fear of losing your partner is a powerful trigger as well. Sometimes this stems from previous losses, whether a death, breakup, or rupture in a relationship that was important to you. The anxiety that arises from this fear can cause you to cling to your partner, and be preoccupied with potential loss in a way that keeps you from enjoying your relationship.  Perhaps you find yourself becoming very controlling, trying to prevent any potential threat to your relationship.

Relationship Expectations

The pressure of wanting to meet certain expectations, either self-imposed or perceived by your partner, can stir anxiety. You might feel that you need to be perfect, or to maintain a certain appearance, to constantly prove your worth and maintain the relationship. This pressure can be exhausting, and lead to feelings of inadequacy and constant worry about whether you're doing enough.

Fear of Being Vulnerable

The fear of being vulnerable also plays a significant role in triggering relationship anxiety. Opening up to someone can be terrifying, especially if you fear judgment or rejection. This fear can make it difficult to feel comfortable being yourself with your partner. You may find that you hide your thoughts, preferences, or opinions from them; perhaps you hold back emotionally, and these patterns create distance in the relationship.

The journey to calmer relationships starts with understanding the origins of your relationship anxiety, your current triggers, and your vision for how you want to feel in your closest relationships. We will work with you to explore your relationship anxiety and equip you with strategies to build healthy, secure attachments. By tackling the root of your anxiety and giving you the tools to navigate your emotions effectively, you can create lasting connections filled with trust and understanding.

Can Relationship Anxiety Make You Fall Out of Love?

Relationship anxiety can make it difficult to know what is true in your life and relationships. It can make you question your feelings and misread your partner’s feelings and actions, leading to confusion and uncertainty. Anxiety often amplifies doubts and fears, making it hard to distinguish between genuine concerns and anxiety-fueled distortions. You may also find yourself stuck in an anxiety loop, which can make it hard to know your own thoughts and feelings, true feelings, making you wonder if you have fallen out of love.

When you're experiencing relationship anxiety, you might find yourself fixating on every little issue or imperfection in your relationship. Small disagreements or misunderstandings can feel like insurmountable obstacles, and you might start to question whether these issues indicate deeper problems or incompatibility. This constant state of doubt can erode your sense of connection and security, making it seem as if your feelings for your partner are fading. Anxiety can also create a barrier to intimacy and emotional closeness. You might become so preoccupied with your worries and fears that you struggle to be present and fully engaged in your relationship. This emotional distance can make it feel as though you're growing apart from your partner, further fueling the belief that you're falling out of love.

It's important to recognize that these feelings of uncertainty and doubt may be symptoms of anxiety, and not necessarily a true reflection of your feelings for your partner. Anxiety can distort your perception of reality, making it difficult to trust your emotions and judgment. You might feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts and fears, leading you to question the foundation of your relationship.

Our team understands the impact of relationship anxiety on your emotions and overall well-being. Our anxiety therapists can help you explore the root causes of your anxiety, develop strategies to manage these feelings effectively, and help improve your understanding of your feelings and needs. By addressing your anxiety and learning to differentiate between genuine concerns and anxiety-driven doubts, you can gain a clearer understanding of your true emotions and work towards a healthier, more secure relationship.

What is the Root of Relationship Anxiety?

The root of relationship anxiety often lies in past experiences or underlying emotional issues that have shaped your views and expectations about relationships. These roots can be diverse and complex, often originating from previous “attachment traumas,” or experiences where you experienced a loss, betrayal, or breach of trust in what had been a loving, safe relationship. Such painful experiences can leave lasting scars, leaving you wary of being vulnerable and afraid of being hurt again. 

Childhood Experiences

Childhood experiences can also play a significant role in shaping relationship anxiety. If you grew up in an environment where you witnessed unstable or unhealthy relationships, or you suffered a traumatic loss, you might have internalized these dynamics and carry fears and insecurities in your adult relationships. For example, if you observe a lack of trust or frequent conflicts between your parents, you might struggle with trusting your partner, and either fear conflict in your own relationship or find yourself instigating conflict as something about it feels like a safe and familiar way to connect with loved ones. These early experiences are our template for what we expect from relationships and can create a backdrop of anxiety.

Personal Insecurities

Personal insecurities and self-esteem issues can further contribute to relationship anxiety. If you have a negative self-image or struggle with feelings of inadequacy, you might constantly worry that your partner will find someone better, or that you are not worthy of love. This fear of not being good enough can lead to clinginess, jealousy, or overanalyzing your partner’s actions and words. Recognizing and addressing these deep-seated insecurities is crucial for overcoming relationship anxiety.

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we understand that identifying the root causes of relationship anxiety is essential for effective treatment. Our anxiety therapists can help you explore and understand these underlying issues, providing you with the tools to heal and build healthier, more secure relationships. By addressing the core issues rather than just the symptoms, you can break free from the cycle of anxiety and move towards a more confident and fulfilling relationship.

Is It Relationship Anxiety or Incompatibility?

Distinguishing between relationship anxiety and incompatibility can indeed be challenging, but it is crucial for understanding your relationship and deciding on the best course of action. Relationship anxiety involves fear and insecurity that can distort your perception of your relationship. You may find yourself constantly doubting your partner's feelings or fearing that the relationship will end, even if there are no concrete reasons to support these fears. This anxiety can stem from past experiences, personal insecurities, or a fear of vulnerability, and it often magnifies minor issues into significant concerns.

On the other hand, incompatibility refers to fundamental differences between you and your partner that make it difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship. These differences can be in values, life goals, communication styles, or personality traits. Incompatibility often results in recurring conflicts and a sense of dissatisfaction that doesn't stem from fear but from genuine mismatches in what you and your partner need and want from a relationship. For instance, if one partner values stability and predictability while the other prioritizes flexibility and new experiences, this fundamental difference can lead to ongoing disagreements and frustration.

Understanding whether you are dealing with relationship anxiety or incompatibility is crucial. If anxiety is the root cause, it can be managed and treated with appropriate strategies in therapy. Addressing the anxiety can help you see your relationship more clearly and appreciate your partner without the cloud of fear and insecurity. However, if incompatibility is the issue, recognizing it allows you to make informed decisions about the future of the relationship. It might mean working together to find compromises and common ground, or it might lead to the realization that parting ways is the best option for both parties.

Our team can help you navigate these complex issues. Our therapists are skilled in identifying the underlying causes of relationship difficulties and can provide the support and guidance you need to understand whether anxiety or incompatibility is affecting your relationship. Through therapy, you can gain clarity and develop the tools to either strengthen your relationship or make the tough decisions necessary for your well-being.

Image of a man sitting on a couch speaking to a therapist. If you struggle with relationship anxiety and are unsure how to cope, learn how anxiety therapy in Washington, D.C. can help you heal.

How to Heal Relationship Anxiety?

Healing relationship anxiety involves a comprehensive approach that addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of anxiety. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, our skilled anxiety therapists work with you to understand both the origins of your relationship anxiety and the tangible and to make the specific, lasting changes that help you to decrease your anxiety for a lifetime.  

Effective communication with your partner serves as another pivotal aspect of healing relationship anxiety. Many clients with relationship anxiety are afraid of speaking to their own needs or perspectives in a relationship out of fear that their partner will leave or stop loving them. These unspoken needs often turn into resentment or anger, coming out in arguments or passive-aggressive behavior that corrodes the love and happiness in a relationship. In therapy, we work with clients to build the skills to eventually engage in open and honest dialogue, and to foster mutual understanding and connection. By sharing your experiences and articulating how specific situations or behaviors impact you, you and your partner can collaboratively address anxiety triggers and work towards building trust and security within the relationship. 

Professional therapy, such as CBT and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), provides invaluable support in challenging negative thought patterns and enhancing communication skills, ultimately fostering resilience and fortifying the relationship against anxiety's grip. At our Washington, D.C. practice, our dedicated therapists are committed to guiding individuals and couples through the complexities of relationship anxiety, empowering them to cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Through anxiety therapy, individuals learn to navigate their anxiety, transform unhelpful thought patterns, and foster stronger relational bonds, ultimately paving the way for lasting emotional well-being

Is There a Cure for Relationship Anxiety?

Relationship anxiety does not need to be permanent!  It is possible to learn to feel more secure in your relationships and to leave behind the constant worry and questioning. Relationship anxiety stems from a complex interplay of emotional, psychological, and sometimes even physiological factors, but through insight, tools to help you tolerate difficult emotions, and improved communication, it is possible to build healthier relationships and a more secure attachment style.

Anxiety therapy plays a crucial role in addressing relationship anxiety. By working with a therapist, you can gain insight into the root causes of your anxiety, whether they stem from past relationships, childhood experiences, or personal insecurities. Anxiety therapy provides a safe and supportive environment where you can explore these issues and develop practical strategies for change. We also use the therapy relationship itself in treatment; the process of opening up to your therapist - a safe, supportive, caring person and professional - and reflecting on that experience as it happens, can serve as a “sandbox” of sorts to build the relationship skills you will use with your friends, family and partners. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, our therapists specialize in relationship anxiety and are here to support you through this rewarding, if sometimes anxiety-provoking experience.

We also support you in building a well-rounded life that contributes to a reduction of relationship anxiety. Building a strong support network, including friends, family, and support groups, can provide much-needed emotional reinforcement. Engaging in regular self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep, also plays a vital role in maintaining overall well-being and reducing anxiety. Learning to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your fears and concerns can strengthen your relationship and reduce misunderstandings. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life and seeking professional help, you can manage relationship anxiety effectively, paving the way for healthier, more fulfilling connections. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we are dedicated to helping you navigate this journey with confidence and compassion, empowering you to overcome relationship anxiety and achieve emotional well-being.

How Anxiety Therapy Can Help

Anxiety therapy can be a game-changer for those struggling with relationship anxiety, and our therapists provide a safe and supportive environment to explore your feelings and fears. In addition to high-functioning anxiety, this type of therapy can help you discover, “Can infertility cause anxiety?” and “What is the root cause of high-functioning anxiety?”. Therapy can help you identify and address the root causes of your anxiety, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and improve communication with your friends, family, and romantic partners.

By seeking professional support, you can overcome relationship anxiety, and find peace and stability in your relationships. At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Image of a couple sitting closely on a bench in a park. If your relationship anxiety is causing issues in your relationship, work with a skilled therapist to overcome you anxiety in anxiety therapy in Washington, DC.

Begin Anxiety Therapy in Washington, D.C.

If you're struggling with anxiety that's affecting your relationships, seeking anxiety therapy can provide the support and tools you need to find peace and connection. A licensed anxiety therapist at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates can help you understand the roots of your relationship anxiety and develop effective strategies to manage it, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Don't wait—take the first step towards healing and a happier future by reaching out. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation to see if Anxiety Therapy is right for you.

  2. Begin meeting with one of our skilled anxiety therapists.

  3. Start understanding and coping with your relationship anxiety.

Other Services Offered at Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates in Washington D.C. & Virginia

At Dr. Dawn Johnson & Associates, we want to help you thrive. In addition to helping you manage your relationship anxiety with anxiety therapy, we also offer services for those struggling with depression, relationships, infertility, academic or work concerns, disordered eating, and more.


What Are High-Functioning Anxiety Symptoms?


Can Infertility Cause Anxiety?